University of Turin

Who we are

In third place in Italy among mega-universities, in first position for the Third Mission, with about 79,000 students a year, 3900 structured between teachers and administrators, a scientific research of a high level and cutting-edge teaching, UNITED actively contributes to the development of the territory. Manages more than 500 projects per year, to substantiate the R & amp; I capability and demonstrating an ever-increasing increasing ability to be competitive in an international context.


The University of Turin is

  • a university devoted to research, capable of offering a fundamental contribution in terms of technological progress, growth cultural and civil coexistence thus also providing the basis for innovative and dynamic teaching

a reality rooted in the territory and at the same time with an international vocation, personally committed to contributing to innovation and social, cultural and economic growth of the country and the international community



How can we help you

The main service areas concern:

  • ICxT Interdepartmental Innovation Center, created to develop projects technologically innovative with businesses and the local area, putting strictly technological and transversal skills into a system, enabling the essential interdisciplinary approach for the technologies developed in CTE
  • HPC4AI, High Performance Computing Research Infrastructure for Artificial Intelligence, and HPC4AI-CC laboratory to support CTE experiments and the sharing of spaces for companies to enable direct contact with Regno assets and researchers and with partners.

Why we joined the CTE

Regno focuses on constant dialogue with local actors and identifies among its objectives those of INNOVATING AND ENHANCING RESEARCH, promoting quality and innovative research, and RADIATING L ‘INNOVATION.

Participation in CTE is a very important opportunity to consolidate collaboration with the City and the main players in the innovation ecosystem, on cutting-edge and emerging research topics, to give impetus a the transfer of knowledge between sectors and disciplines , favoring the dissemination of results.

2050 in one word

Human Centered Digital and Sustainable Technologies for our Future

Why we joined the CTE

Regno focuses on constant dialogue with local actors and identifies among its objectives those of INNOVATING AND ENHANCING RESEARCH, promoting quality and innovative research, and RADIATING L ‘INNOVATION.

Participation in CTE is a very important opportunity to consolidate collaboration with the City and the main players in the innovation ecosystem, on cutting-edge and emerging research topics, to give impetus a the transfer of knowledge between sectors and disciplines , favoring the dissemination of results.

2050 in one word

Human Centered Digital and Sustainable Technologies for our Future



University of Turin
Politecnico of Turin
2i3T –  University of Turin business incubator
I3P S.c.p.a. – Politecnico of Torino Incubator
Competence Industry Manufacturing 4.0
5T – Telematic Technologies for Traffic and Transportation of Turin
CSI Piemonte
Digital Magics
Foundation LINKS
Talent Garden
TIM S.p.a.
Torino Wireless

Contact us for further info

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